soona's beta UGC service + how to apply!

learn about soona's UGC collective

soona's building a UGC collective for the creator in everybody. we've launched a beta test for UGC content creation. we're looking for creative. collaborative. and dedicated creators on and off camera to showcase their content creation skills. apply today to create and earn as a soona UGC creator!

unlike in-studio pro services, UGC creators can work wherever and whenever. UGC assignments are completed on your own time from home by specified deadlines. 

what is UGC?

UGC stands for user generated content. UGC videos can be created by anybody and everybody using a phone camera. UGC is most commonly used on brand social media platforms. websites. and product listing pages.

our UGC collective collaborates with everyday people to create video content for brands to download and use. unlike influencers, UGC video creation will not require you to post the videos on your own social media. the videos you create will be uploaded and posted by brands wherever they need the content.

see examples here.

when does the UGC beta test begin? 

if you are selected, you are committing to being a part of this test from May 1st -June 30th. since this is a beta test, expect to provide feedback about what is working. what is not working. and how we can improve the service. 

due to the nature of trials, many steps of the process will be different than the current soona assignment + completion process. as one of the first soona UGC creators you will have the opportunity to provide feedback and help us make it a great experience! with your feedback, we'll make enhancements to the soona platform and create automated processes before officially launching the UGC service!

how will UGC assignments work?

UGC assignment process

what is the pay rate?

creators are paid $50 per video. you can also keep any products you film if you'd like. you will have the option to return the products for soona to discard as well.

when is the application deadline?

the application opens March 31st and will close on April 14th. applications submitted past the posted deadline will not be processed for the beta test.