start the application process by thoroughly reviewing each video sample brief and the quality requirements. you must have all the videos created before starting the application. please have your videos ready to upload since the application will not autosave if you exit. applications with videos that don't follow the prompts or meet quality standards are subject to rejection. we will only accept applications through April 14th!

step 1. sample videos

you will need to create and submit 3 different sample videos for evaluation. each video will have its own unique brief to complete. our teams will assess each video against our quality expectations. review the sample video briefs and quality expectations listed below.  

if accepted, submitted videos will be used in your public portfolio. this portfolio will be visible to clients during creator selection.

video quality requirements

for each video ensure you follow the brief details and all specified talking points.


check out the resources tab for additional tips and tricks 

filming tips

video uploading process

once you have completed your videos, upload them to google drive and adjust the sharing settings to "anyone with the link can edit."

upload process 

sample video 1 brief- about me

aspect ratio: 9:16 (vertical)

duration: 60 seconds

brief: tell us about yourself in a creative way! you can walk us through what an ordinary day looks like for you, tell us a story, or take us on an adventure. anything that helps you share the following information:

examples: see an about me video example in the attached file. the example is 30 seconds long but please make sure your video is 60 seconds!

sample video 2 brief- prompt of your choice 

prompt: pick a video prompt from the prompts page.

aspect ratio: 9:16 (vertical)

duration: 30 seconds


what to avoid:

examples: see a clothing haul example in the attached file. the example is 18 seconds long but please ensure your video is 30 seconds!

sample video 3 brief- prompt of your choice

prompt: pick a video prompt from the prompts page. don't use the same prompt as sample video 2!  

aspect ratio: 16:9 (horizontal)

duration: 15 seconds


what to avoid:

examples: see a feature highlight example in the attached file. the example is 25 seconds long but please ensure your video is 15 seconds!

step 2. personal info

the written portion of the application will ask a series of questions about you. these will be used to set up your account as a creator. some answers may be featured on a public profile shown to clients during creator selection. (we will never show your private or personal contact info to clients.) provide your info the form below! 👇